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Here I've gathered all sorts of links to different places. Have a look!
Disclaimer: I try my best to make sure sites are worksafe, and around PG-13 at worst. I will put a disclaimer for artistic nudity. Please note that I am not responsible for, nor do I necessarily endorse, the views and content that people put up on their pages!
art resources
These are websites focused on art tutorials, supply reviews, and more.
- Vanilla Arts
- Longstride Illustration
If you are an alcohol marker artist, or are aspiring to be one, stop what you're doing and BOOKMARK THIS SITE RIGHT NOW. Amy Shulke is a technical illustrator and she runs Vanilla Arts, which also includes her site Marker Novice. Amy has put in a tremendous amount of work creating copic marker + colored pencil color palettes, blending combinations, and field tests of every single Copic ink color (because they all behave differently)- all available for free. This is hands-down the best, most informative resource on alcohol markers I have ever come across, and it's not even close. And if that weren't enough, she is also exceptionally skilled in colored pencil work, too. Her mixed-media approach results in beautiful, realistic illustrations with a bit of whimsy and fun- mostly she works on florals and food illustrations, but she covers many other subjects as well. She also offers classes, which I recommend.
Chloe is a pen and ink illustrator who works with dip pens. I found her through looking for dip pen tutorials on Youtube a few years back. She offers excellent advice and tutorials on her site and Youtube channel, that help teach not only pen and ink technique, but also help with structuring self-study and organization. Her illustrations are stunningly, masterfully rendered, and she also has a shop where you can purchase original pieces.
personal sites
Various personal sites I like looking at!
- Engel's Beginning ~天使降臨~♪
- suboptimalism
- Cabbage Sorter
- Neko no Kuni
- Angel Eye Springs
Mero's site is focused on EGL fashion, but also contains various parts of the site dedicated to BJD and video games too, plus a Frieren shrine! ^^ I love the elegant pink layout of it all. I think my favorite part of her site is the EGL section, which has reviews, helpful advice for newcomers to the fashion, of course a wardrobe section where you can see her pieces, and more! :D EGL fans would do well to bookmark this site!
A personal blog site that is presently one of my favorites. Hilarious and insightful. I especially liked his posts on how he reduced his screentime on his phone, and his postmortem on the failure of the Yesterweb community/movement.(RIP) The notebook section of the site is extremely creative and fun to look at- if not a bit painful to read. Oh, and he appears to be an Ojamajo Doremi fan, so he's cool in my book.
Lots of great anime, manga, and novel reviews. A lot of them are seinen/josei manga, which I like. I discovered Sayaka Murata because of her! :D She also maintains a nice directory of links, so be sure to check that out! Her color scheme and layout are lovely
Wow, I love this cat-themed site. It is full of charm, has a great layout, and tons of cute graphics to check out. But I think what makes this such a standout personal site is the links directory section, which is very well organized and descriptive, and chock-full of interesting places to browse around the net.
Colorful and cheerful personal site full of sweet little crochet projects, traditional and digital artwork, and a cool section dedicated to Japanese learning resources! :) I really like her art gallery and artstyle so much, and she has a favorite Copic colors page, with some really good picks!
Links pertaining to my hometown of Houston, Texas.
Houston Architecture Information Forum is a very active forum about all things Houston, with a history going back over 20 years. There are lots of threads on local building projects, infrastructure projects, the (awful) weather, and more. Users are dedicated to documenting the progress of various construction projects in and around Houston. Old threads often preserve the oral history of local landmarks and more, and are really interesting to check out. Houston often doesn't do the best job preserving its history, and HAIF is a valuable resource in keeping some of that history alive. If you live in the area or are considering coming here, or just want to see a forum with a ton of old posts that are pretty well-preserved, check out HAIF!
indie web
These are sites that are mostly focused on the indie / small web movement.
- Melon Land
If you hang around the small web scene, there's a pretty dang good chance you know about Melon and his many projects. (Fun fact: he's currently the one running TamaNOTchi!) He has been very instrumental in supporting this indie web movement, and his site is an excellent place to browse, and serves as a springboard for newbies (and non-newbies!) alike to get them into creating their own sites. There is an active, quirky forum, too! I'm on there, so come say hi if you see me! :)
- The Cozy Cat
A charming, beautiful personal site made by Aevisia that is a hub for all sorts of things indie web and more. For newcomers to the small web scene, this is such a great resource. I highly recommend her section on The Small Web. But there is much more to discover! The site is divided up into two areas- Town and Cottage. Town is full of resources and more social aspects of her site (like a Guestbook and such), whereas Cottage is her personal space with pages dedicated to her interests, hobbies, and blog. The themes are super cute, too
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