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I've got a new dip pen review up today, ths time, I took a look at the Tachikawa T-44 nib.
- Added a review for the Tachikawa T-44 dip pen nib.
Heya! I've been hard at work, and I've created a new section of my site for art supply reviews.
- Added a new section of my site- the art supply section.
- Added a new dip pen reviews page to the aforementioned supply section.
- Added a review for the Hunt 512 dip pen nib
- Added 2 links to the Links page
Hi everyone! I've begun filling out my Links page with- surprise, surprise- links!
- Added 8 links to the Links page
I've got a pageview counter up and working for all of the pages on the site, along with a global visitor counter as well!
- Added pageview counter to each page.
- Added a global visitor counter to the whole site
- Adjusted my TamaNOTchi so it's a bit bigger now.
Hey, everyone! I've made a links page! At the moment, it's just a banner and button for my site, but I'll be adding more soon!
- Added links page.
- Added a banner and button to link to my site
- Changed the name of my 'works' page to 'comics', since that's what's in there.
Every page should hopefully have a title now. ^^;
I've also added a new sidebar of fun stuff. Mobile users, it's below the main part of the site. Go have a look at Meeps, my TamaNOTchi! Click it to feed it! :)
I am adding some graphics, too! In fact, you may have noticed one already on the home page! There's more to come!
- Added a sidebar to the site, added my TamaNOTchi, Meeps.
- Added a graphic to my home page.
I finally got a guestbook up after dragging my feet on it forever! GO SIGN IT!!
- Added the guestbook! (Opens in a new page)
I got some new artwork up today, so the gallery page has been updated with that.
- Added a new piece to the gallery! (Opens in a new page)
I made some tweaks to the site so it looks a bit nicer overall. Mainly the fonts are a bit more easy to read, but it's a work-in-progress!
In addition, I'm posting art on here now, so please check it out!
- Added Gallery Page
- Added a new piece to the gallery! (Opens in a new page)
Hello, world!
The site is up and running today! It's pretty barebones at the moment, but I'll be adding more as time goes on.
- Added Updates Page
- Added About Page
- Added Works Page
this page has been viewed 338 times.